Have you ever examined a wood carving and thought- “wow look at all that detail, it must of took so much time and effort to do.” Yeah well imagine that same carving on a Brazilian nut! Yes, you didn’t read wrong, a Brazilian nut. In the run up to World Cup 2014, British artist Quentin Devine was able to perfectly carve five football stars on an object as small as your pinky.
As an artist, Quentin loves to create art that makes people stop and really think about what they are visualizing. Even though he wasn’t sure if he could complete the project, he found the inspiration to try because he knew it would be testing his abilities and that’s what fueled his drive and determination. When we spoke to Quentin, he explained that the first step was choosing the image and then the right Brazil nut to match. He would always start with the eyes because if he got that right, the rest of the carving would fall into place. In regards to time, each player was different. He expressed that the time varied between Wayne Rooney who only took him 2-3 hours and 3 attempts and Gary Lineker who took 3 days and at least 12 attempts! According to Quentin this had to be the hardest project he’s gotten due to the concentration on such a tiny scale for long periods of time. He confessed that the hardest part of the project was getting a likeness of each celebrity without being insulting.
Have a look for yourself: