Happy Mother’s day! Joyeuse Fete Des Meres! Feliz Dia de las Madres! Furaha Ya Mama Siku! It doesn’t matter in which language you say it; the sentiment is the same and the love for our mothers too! Mothers are celebrated around the world on different dates but have you ever wondered how? We love our moms so much that we decided to do some digging into history and find out about all the traditions behind the third most popular holiday in the world. Who knows? We might get you inspired!
United Kingdom, Mothering Sunday

Today, Mother’s Day celebrations in the UK are the same old traditional gift cards, flowers and family meals, but you would never guess how it used to be before. During medieval times, poor families used to send their children to work as domestic servants to rich families and the only times they could take a day off was during the Lent period. And you know what’s even more unbelievable? Instead of spending their days off to enjoy themselves, as kids should, they would spend it baking cakes for their mothers and picking flowers all day as a gift to them! And that’s how the tradition was born. While the tradition isn’t as widespread as it used to be, some people still bake a rich almond cake for their mothers called “Mothering Cake”. How about you try it this year? We’ve got the ingredients you need!
Japan, it’s contest day
Mother’s Day in Japan is symbolised by beautiful carnations, which represent the strength of mothers. But the tradition that is followed until today is the contest tradition where children have to draw pictures of their mothers in school and enter them in a special Mother’s Day art contest. Talk about having fun!
Brazil, bring on the festivities
Knowing how festive Brazilians are, any celebration is a good excuse for a party! Mother’s Day in Brazil is one of the most commercial holidays celebrated (after Christmas, of course). The day falls on the second Sunday in May with special children’s performances and church gatherings, and also multi-generational barbecues. Brazilians always do it right!
Australia, Fight for women’s rights!
International Women’s Day was just not enough for the Australians to stand up for women’s rights. During Mother’s Day festivities, which also take place on the second Sunday of May, many organizations hold events around this holiday to help raise money for women’s causes. Woman power – that’s definitely something to celebrate!
Also, tradition says that Chrysanthemums are a very popular and a must floral choice, because Australians call their mothers “mum”.
Traditions might be a bit different in Peru, but they’re all about win-win! Mothers get gifts, of course, as children give them handmade items. But the thing is that children get gifts in return! Peru’s native population also celebrates the gifts of Mother Earth, or Pachamama as they call it. Pachamama is an ancient mythological goddess who is the cause of the earthquakes but also bringer of fertility. So with Mother’s Day also comes Martes de Challa day.
Ethiopia, more than just a day
In Ethiopia, mothers are celebrated with a three-day festival especially dedicated to them – that’s one way to feel special! The celebrations start at the end of the fall rainy season. When the weather clears up and the skies empty of rain, family members gather to celebrate with a large feast.
Tradition says that daughters should bring vegetables, butter, spices and cheese and sons should bring different types of meat, including lamb or bull. Talk about different!
Mexico, Tamales day!
Celebrated on May 10th every year, Mexican tradition says that sons and daughters should be present in the house on the eve of Mother’s Day, May 9th. The churches organize special masses, but the highpoint of the event is the orchestra that plays “Las Mañanitas” and the distribution of “tamales” and “atole”, the two traditional early-morning meals, to all local mothers.
Mother’s Day is not only about gifting your mother to show her how much you love her, it’s also about spending quality time with her and JUST HAVING FUN. Not only do the Serbians have a super festive Mother’s Day, but they also have a Father’s Day AND a Children’s Day. And the most fun part is that they all play with rope!
Yes, that’s right. Over three consecutive Sundays, families get together to play a special game: On Children’s Day, children are tied up until they agree to behave before they are unbound. On Mother’s Day, the moms are tied up until they supply yummy treats and small gifts to their children. And finally, on Father’s day, it’s the dads’ turn to be tied up until they give their families Christmas gifts. Talk about a fun-filled family spirit!
Mother’s Day, no matter how or when it is celebrated, simply serves as a reminder of how amazing moms are for everything they’ve given and done for their families and the honor they deserve because of it. Happy Mother’s Day to every mother out there! You’re a super woman.